Violent Crimes / Domestic Violence

Violent crimes include sexual assault, battery, aggravated assault, assault with a deadly weapon, domestic violence, and murder among others. A conviction for any of these crimes can lead to several years or life in prison. When a victim of a violent crime has been seriously hurt or even murdered, you can be also charged civilly which means you can lose a substantial amount of money.

Domestic violence accusations are sometimes exaggerated or based on false assumptions, so make sure you are equipped to defend yourself. Many times police agencies feel compelled to arrest one or both parties that they confront at a crime scene.  When in doubt, contact Frank Prieto, Esq. before speaking to investigators.  

State Attorney’s Offices across the State seek minimum penalties for even a first time offender.  These penalties include stay away orders, 26 weeks of anger management through a domestic violence batterer’s intervention program, counseling, psychological evaluations, substance abuse evaluations, and possibly jail or prison time.  Attorney Frank A. Prieto is ready to help you defend against these accusations of, physical abuse, psychological abuse, stalking, cyber stalking, harassing, or threats.

As a former prosecutor, Mr. Prieto can help level the playing field because he understands how domestic violence cases are processed and handled by the State Attorney’s office. His goal is to make sure you receive the most favorable outcome possible, either in a reduction of charges or a complete dismissal. We want to help minimize your penalties and potential damages as much as we can.

Convictions for domestic violence charges can expose you to:

Jail time, Counseling, Hefty fines, losing your rights to your children, loss of personal property that you jointly hold with your spouse, and a Criminal record.

Simply an arrest for domestic violence subjects the accused to public shame and can have serious repercussions. Attorney, Frank Prieto will explore all possible defenses with you and we will defend you against these allegations.  Many times a person can be arrested for just acting in self-defense.   Frank Prieto, Esq. will review all evidence, obtain and review all witness statements, medical records, videos, 911 calls, photos, BNC’s (Body Worn Cameras), and all motives for fabrication.

Contact the Prieto Law Firm Today!

If you or somebody you know is being investigated or has been charged (either by the State, or United States) for any crime based on our areas of practice, contact thePrieto Law Firm in Florida or across the United States.  Mr. Prieto is licensed to practice in all Florida State Court’s and all Federal Courts. 

Getting an aggressive attorney on your side early on can make the difference in your ability to confront these charges and have a positive outcome.  Whether it is a dismissal of charges, charges never being filed, early plea negotiations, or going the distance and exercising your Constitutional right to a trial, Frank Prieto, Esq. is behind you every step of the way to guide you through the process and protect your rights.

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305-577-3440 & 305-577-3970



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